As we continue to monitor the evolving impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic closely, please know that without question, our top priority is the health and well-being of our students, scholars, BIOSCRIBES, and their families. We are continuing to encourage, and to take a number of actions to control the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with the expert guidance of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and local public health authorities.
As pandemic restrictions have relaxed, WE have resumed our field sampling and laboratory research.
If you are a student interested in ecology, environmental studies, and/or gaining research skills, especially environmental field and water quality monitoring, as well as laboratory bench research exploring genomic techniques and data analytics, PLEASE CONTACT US!
As pandemic restrictions have relaxed, WE have resumed our field sampling and laboratory research.
If you are a student interested in ecology, environmental studies, and/or gaining research skills, especially environmental field and water quality monitoring, as well as laboratory bench research exploring genomic techniques and data analytics, PLEASE CONTACT US!

Morehouse More-Green Earth Day Invitation and Volunteer Opportunity
Morehouse More-Green is a community service based environmental awareness and sustainability organization focused on making a change in our surrounding community and changing the mindsets of college students to think more green. Membership is open to all students in the AUC.
Come out on Earthday April 22nd to join us in having a good time as we celebrate nature, conservation & environmentalism with a bit of fun & entertainment. Come out to the Arts in Conservation Fair where we'll have a live DJ, BBQ, Fair Activities, & a Very Special Guest Performer! This event will take place on the Century Campus Plateau (Greenspace betweeen Nabrit and Dansforth Chapel), 830 Westview Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA 30314 on the Morehouse Campus beginning at 5PM.
For Student Volunteer Opportunities: Please reach out directly to Kyra McKinney via email at [email protected] and she will provide additional details about volunteer opportunities and benefits. Kyra is the Clark Atlanta liaison for Morehouse More-Green. Please let her know that you received this contact from Dr. Vereen at Morehouse and the VRI.
For volunteers, use the subject line of your email to Kyra: More-Green Earth Day Volunteer.
Registration Link for the Arts in Conservation Earth Day Fair
Morehouse More-Green is a community service based environmental awareness and sustainability organization focused on making a change in our surrounding community and changing the mindsets of college students to think more green. Membership is open to all students in the AUC.
Come out on Earthday April 22nd to join us in having a good time as we celebrate nature, conservation & environmentalism with a bit of fun & entertainment. Come out to the Arts in Conservation Fair where we'll have a live DJ, BBQ, Fair Activities, & a Very Special Guest Performer! This event will take place on the Century Campus Plateau (Greenspace betweeen Nabrit and Dansforth Chapel), 830 Westview Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA 30314 on the Morehouse Campus beginning at 5PM.
For Student Volunteer Opportunities: Please reach out directly to Kyra McKinney via email at [email protected] and she will provide additional details about volunteer opportunities and benefits. Kyra is the Clark Atlanta liaison for Morehouse More-Green. Please let her know that you received this contact from Dr. Vereen at Morehouse and the VRI.
For volunteers, use the subject line of your email to Kyra: More-Green Earth Day Volunteer.
Registration Link for the Arts in Conservation Earth Day Fair
WATER RESEARCHThrough our water quality research program, we are investigating various freshwater contaminants, many of which raise public health concerns making these water bodies unfit for their natural or intended uses. Pollution may be caused by fecal waste, chemicals, pesticides, petroleum, sediment, or even heated discharges.
MICROBIAL ECOLOGYOur microbial ecology research program focuses on using traditional and state-of-the-art genomic and metagenomic approaches to understand how bacteria affect ecosystem and human health; as well as the diversity and function of microbial communities in various ecosystems.
SCIENCE TEACHINGOur science teaching research is focused on the goal of enhancing student learning through effective and equitable student teaching practices that are based on research and best practices. Science education builds on the best of research in both worlds, science and education.
VRI Don't Rush Challenge Video
Keeping Students Engaged in STEM in our
Transition to Remote Research in response to COVID-19 ENJOY! #VRI #DontRush #RemoteResearch #BIOSCRIBES #AUC #Morehouse #Spelman #CAU #HBCU I do not own the rights to the audio in this post. |
Thank you for visiting our website and your interest in our Research, Education, and Innovation.
We hope you found something that sparked your interest.
Please feel free to Contact Us for more information, or
Click this Link for information on how to Join the VRI
We hope you found something that sparked your interest.
Please feel free to Contact Us for more information, or
Click this Link for information on how to Join the VRI
830 Westview Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30314 |
Office: 470.639.0534